Monday, 22 October 2007

Well done Bokke!

When SA won the rugby world cup in 1995, I couldn't imagine the country could party in such harmony. That was the first major international game, in the new, post-apartheid SA.

For one day, race, culture and class divisions were gone. Where once you were afraid of walking down a street for fear of being mugged, people were hooting their horns continously and stopping their cars to hug strangers with uncontained joy. Flags, banners, music and excitement everywhere. They all seemed as if they were headed of to various entertainment spots, while taking their time and sharing the celebration with everyone they met.

I never thought I would ever see Jo'burg like that. Indescribable unison. And for the first time in my life I considered myself not by race or culture, but as South African. And was proud to be one. Radio stations around the country for weeks thereafter echoed that same patriotic sentiment amongst so many other South Africans.

That night we went to, what was then, the recently opened Randburg Waterfront. It was packed and buzzing, and one of the most momentous nights of my life.

Well done to the boys for doing it again! I hope SA is partying like it was 1995.

(London is understandably quiet this weekend.)

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