Saturday, 2 February 2008

Neighbours with no lives!

I have a strange complaint. My neighbour (and I now know it is a woman from no. 93) listens outside our door quite frequently as a form of entertainment. I would really like to barge over there sometime and say: ‘get a f*"king life will you!’, but of course they would deny it.

I have suspected this for a year. My sense of privacy in my flat has decreased and it is more than a tad uncomfortable. I am now very quiet when in close proximity of the hallway. I close the lounge door all the time. I realise why this place was so well priced now that it is so obvious that the flats are not very sound proof (as confirmed by my other neighbour, in her potential pursuit of justice against the guy above her who is overly noisy and keeps them awake). And a few days ago I realised that my suspicions were true.

I was doing yoga, alone in the bedroom and of course breathing very heavily and I, as usual, heard someone out there, but for the sake of my sanity (and at this stage unproved suspicion, hence the denial that followed), I ignored it and continued. Then I heard a male voice saying: ‘Are you listening at their door again?’ and a women giggled and said ‘yes!’ They left before I could run out screaming profanities.

You may think I’m over reacting to this but the reason it bothers me so much is that this happens about 12 times a week (of which I am aware) and most often straight after I have had an argument/stiff conversation/audible conversation with FW that I would not like to share with my neighbours, or straight after I have used the bathroom (which is right next to the front door and I don’t bother closing the door when I am alone, although I have started doing this now).

Surely I have the right to my privacy behind closed doors? I can’t believe that anyone has so much time and interest in continuing such pathetic behaviour.


Cynicism: when did I start accepting that being bluntly honest was better than making people feel good about themselves? Happy friendships are surely about people ‘clicking’, imitating one another, being comfortable to each other, not pointing out the obvious flaws in every situation. I need a kick up the rear sometimes. No wonder.

And also...

Two things: First, you can learn so much from the movies. Second, I feel like I need to regress 10 years to get my life back, because it seems like I was more mature back then. (And thinner)

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