Thursday, 7 February 2008

Rip-offs beware, and people I hate

I’m having one of those days. I hate the world. I hate all my ex-boyfriends who were jerks. I cannot believe I put up with them. I hate my dysfunctional parents who seem more and more selfish by the day. I especially hate the following people:

· The thieving twats at what used to be YDP, who overcharged me by thousands when I used them to arrange my move here.

· The hair salon called Eclipse who arrange ‘marketeers’ standing on street corners bullshitting people that for £50 you will get discounted haircuts, Indian head massages, unlimited free wash and blows, free hair colouring and various other add-ons, but when you take the bait, they find an excuse for all of the above plus, and how it doesn’t actually relate to you, for example the hair colouring is a blond bleach only, so anyone not wanting blond highlights in their hair cannot choose another colour. In was all a total rip-off. They didn’t even offer me a cup of coffee - they said the coffee machine was broken! And they insulted my country as I walked out the door!

· The beautician at Tower hair (close to Tower Gate station) who charges £45 for apparently some wonder face peel straight off Harley street that does wonders for your face and ends up putting a small smear of what can only be described as cheap mask on your face, for 10 minutes, and calls it a facial. Someone should expose this woman.

· My optometrists for verbally agreeing to deliver a set of contact lenses every quarter for an agreed price and then, after setting up the debit order, denying that it was meant to be per quarter, but rather bi-annually!!!

· Powergen, for fooling you into thinking that everything is okay and then hitting you with an overpriced electricity bill.

· The management company CPM that deals with our estate, for charging a whopping £44k a year to mess up our financial contributions and get us all in hot water, on account of pure incompetence

I know I am pms-ed out, but it’s times like these when I am angry enough to actually say it out loud, (or at least blog it).

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