Saturday 9 February 2008

Johannesburg - a fine wine

Johannesburg - a unique blend of various European, matured in fine African, with American influences, and hints of passion, warmth, electricity and excitement, but does it compliment British meat?

Today I was reminded of that rare moment when you feel free, sophisticated and beautiful somewhere, in a foreign country, and then just with one witty statement, your insecurities rise to the surface and you realise that you do not belong completely, and that people see you as different. You can choose to embrace this and work it and re-assert your confidence and power or, to fall into the shame of your insecurity.

When you put down roots in a city, it is like beginning a love affair. It’s deep, raw and messy, it’s troublesome and fulfilling. You lose yourself in it. You become it. It compliments you, it completes you. It blesses you with a lifetime of memories to savour. It envelopes you with familiarity. It awakens that giddy desire to love and be loved.

And if you decide to move on before you end your love affair, you will have to deal with a broken heart and a rebound new-city relationship.

You will need closure, or you will keep running back, yearning, wondering what could have been.

I have not had my closure of Johannesburg yet.

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